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Welcome back to in-person classes!

Yoga Pose

Vinyasa Yoga

In-person and on-line
Monday & Wednesday 7:45-8:45AM
Friday 7:15-8:15AM

This popular class is based on the belief that mental and physical health are interrelated, and should be conditioned together. All of the classes at Oxbow Farm Yoga attempt to coordinate breathing and physical movement, improve focus and concentration, and help participants regain control of their body and mind.
Suitable for all levels

Yoga with Props

Yoga for Flexibility

Currently by request

Yoga for Flexibility is a targeted mobility training program practiced with a yoga mat and some props – but nothing else. This approach is designed to supplement (not replace) any other yoga or exercise routine you might already be doing.
We use long holds and a specific breathing pattern to work towards greater flexibility. 
This class is suitable for beginners and does not require any previous yoga experience. The tighter you are, the more you need this class!

Flying Aerial Yoga

Yoga Trapeze


Currently by request

We're so excited to announce the arrival of Yoga Trapeze at Oxbow Farm Yoga! This is a great way to build upper body strength, relieve back pain, and explore backbends. No prior experience is required, just a desire to improve your strength and flexibility! Worried about going upside down? Don't be! There are many, many options with the trapeze that don't require inversions. But you're going to want to try ;) 

What are the benefits - read on!

  • Instant Spinal Traction: Back pain is an epidemic, but clients can use gravity to their advantage while using the Yoga Trapeze and elongate their spine with little to no prior yoga experience. For many, this type of pain relief is unmatched by any other form of treatment.

  • Suspension Training: Functional fitness requires the pushing, pulling, and holding of weight. In traditional mat-based yoga classes, you push and hold your body weight constantly, but it’s very difficult to find pulling motions in these classes. Pulling is a crucial movement for back, neck, and upper body health. The Yoga Trapeze introduces functional pulling movements in a fun and dynamic way.

  • Flexibility: Aside from inversions, there are dozens of hip openers, shoulder openers, and hamstring stretches that work amazingly well for flexibility. Using the leverage of the sling, suspension, and gravity, you can practice flexibility training in a whole new way.

  • Deep Backbends: Backbends are some of the most challenging poses in yoga, and students often get so frustrated that they skip them altogether. On the Yoga Trapeze, you can do passive backbends (just hang and breathe) to open the stiff and stuck areas of your shoulders and thoracic spine.

Image by Benjamin Child

Private Class

By Request

We are happy to offer Private and By Request Classes for you or your group or event. Please email us for pricing and availability

Image by Dane Wetton

Yin-yasa Flow

Currently by request

Moving through a brief flow to warm you up before we head to the floor for a yin practice. Props are encouraged as we'll be in poses for an extended time. Pillows, blankets, firm cushions, and straps work just fine in lieu of fancy yoga props!
Suitable for all levels

Image by Anupam Mahapatra

Slow Flow Yoga

Currently by request only

This class is great for beginners or people who want to slow it down and really focus on form. We move slowly and thoughtfully through a 30-minute practice, stretching and working on building strength and flexibility. We limit the transitions from floor to standing and encourage the use of props.

Class payment is accepted via PayPal, Square, Venmo, or Zelle

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